Ella StephensonMontessori Assistant/Aftercare
Montessori Assistant/Aftercare
My Bio
Birthday: February 17th
--- My Favorite Things ---
Color(s):Yellow and soft pink
Flower(s): white roses
Healthy Snack(s): Pretzels and snap peas
“Junk Food” Treat(s): Gummy worms and caramel M&M’s
Drink(s): Sweet tea and lemonade (and also those mixed!)
Scent(s)/Essential Oil(s): Vanilla and Lavender
Game(s): Connect 4
Sit-Down Restaurant(s): Red Robin and any sushi place
Fast Food Restaurant(s): Chick-fil-a and chipotle
Place(s) to Receive a Gift Card: target, Starbucks, and cheesecake factory
Most used school/office supply: Pens and Pencils
What I would really like is: A spa day
Heroes: My Mom
Hobbies: Hiking, paddle boarding and quality time with loved ones