Brandi LapaduraAdministrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant
My Bio
I am a very lucky lady married to The Most Amazing Man Sam. I have 3 Wonderful children and a new Beautiful daughter in-law.
Tanner 27
Tyler 25
Haley 20
I also have 2 crazy dogs Thor and Bailee
I have The Best family and friends that I love to spend time with.
Birthday: January 4th
These are A Few Of My Favorite Things…..
Color(s): Red, Orange
Flower(s): Tulips, Roses
Healthy Snack(s): Raw almonds
“Junk Food” Treat(s): Swedish fish or sour patch kids
Drink(s): Passion Tea at Starbucks no syrup
Scent(s)/Essential Oil(s): Vanilla, Coconut
Game(s): Farkle, Mexican Train game
Sit-Down Restaurant(s): Orreganos, Texas Roadhouse
Fast Food Restaurant(s): Carolinas
Place(s) to Receive a Gift Card: Dillards, Target, Macy’s
Most used school/office supply: Fun pens
What I would really like is:
Heroes: My Dad
Hobbies: Spending time with family & friends